1st Day on the Job

The first day is over. The job seems good. Two things I don’t like. I don’t like getting up early and I don’t like the 40 minute drive. I’ll get use to them. Or find another job 🙂 I do like that I have a laptop for office and home use. I also like that it has a DVD-Rom/CD Burner. Can’t complain. Now I go and lay down. So very very tired!

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  1. where is your new job? I guess it’s not in the K-W area?

  2. Hey Jenn. It’s in Stratford. It’s about a 40 minute drive from where I live in Waterloo. It’s not bad but it does eat up 80 minutes of my day which I’m not to fond of. I guess that’s the price you pay.

  3. At least Stratford is a pretty town… 🙂 but commuting does suck.