So I missed most of the blogathon but I’d like to thank the sites that I sponsored for their great posts and great ideas. This includes Rebecca at Serene Chaos who rode 52.4 miles (84.3 kilometers) in 6 hours 10 minutes 59 seconds during the 24 hour blogathon and Chunshek who created 7 blog themes (including the Strongbadia theme which I requested) and Shannon of Pet Rock Star who brainstormed, wrote and recorded two songs (with Scott Andrew) in the 24 hours period.
Sadly Firda of Weblog Wannabe had to drop out of the Blogathon because of a family emergency. If you have a chance drop by her blog and send her some nice thoughts and words which I know she would appreciate.
Thanks everyone for an amazing 24 hours. I will completely understand if you don’t write anything at your blogs for the next week 🙂 I know I’d be drained.