Happy Birthday, Queen Victoria.

The day of the birth of the virgin queen (Elizabeth I is the virgin queen, I stand corrected) Queen Victoria is quickly approaching and as a Canadian I couldn’t be happier. This weekend we celebrate her birthday by getting a day off (this coming Monday to be exact), the first long weekend of several during the summer and it is much deserved. I don’t like how we have to struggle from January to May with no national holidays.
Firda and I are joining my parents, brother and sister-in-law at our Cottage on Eagle Lake in central (?) Ontario. This weekend we open up the cottage and spend time cleaning up the mess that the fall and winter created. Usually racking leaves, picking up brush, cutting up fallen trees. Nothing to strenuous but nothing to exciting either. We are all taking Friday off so we can get a jump start on the weekend. Leave here around 4 or 5 pm on Thursday, get up to the cottage around 9 pm or so. Then relax. Oh yeah.
I don’t know if I will post before then. Looking at the amount of time between this post and the last post it’s highly unlikely that I will. If I don’t have a good weekend, whether it be a long weekend or a regular weekend.

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  1. Have a good long weekend! 🙂

  2. Have a great weekend! 🙂

  3. Anonymous

    I think you are confusing Queen Elizabeth I (1533