Hurt by Johnny Cash

For those of you who read my post on Johnny Cash covering the Nine Inch Nails song “Hurt” and thought I have to find that but have been unlucky in finding it I have *theoretically* put it up for download. It won’t be up for long so if you want it download it soon. The link is here then just left click on the song and select “Save As”. Hope you enjoy it.

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  1. Firda

    Hmm, I had a Nine Inch Nails related dream when I was napping earlier this evening. Will have to post about it in things&stuff. It’s a really dorky dream, actually.

  2. I ran across this several months ago. I thought it was so funny to hear Johnny Cash singing this song, but he has done a wonderful job interpreting the song. I get goosebumps everytime I play…

  3. The emotion is definitely there…
    Johnny’s voice, unfortunately, is not.

  4. That’s pretty cool. 🙂
    Didn’t know Johnny had it in him. 🙂

  5. Firda

    I have to agree with Justis. The emotion is there, but his voice is not powerful enough.

  6. Michel

    Smoosh/Firda: Johnny’s voice isn’t there? I feel sad that you can’t appreciate the beauty that age has brought to his voice.