Illustration Friday – Sorrow

Another Illustration Friday. It’s a fun little thing to do. The topic this week is Sorrow. I started this picture just so I could play around in Photoshop 7. I started making a sad picture about someone who lost their favorite pet to carelessness. It ended with Firda and I laughing at how silly it looks. Oh and she kept telling me to flatten the image. I hate flattening the image.

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  1. “she kept telling me to flatten the image.”
    I thought the DOG was what was flattened! :/ Sadly, I have to keep my cats inside, and dogs in the yard; I live a block from a highway… I see dead animals every day. :,(
    In the real world (of Photoshop), DON’T flatten your image: SAVE A COPY as a flattened image if you need one, or if you need to export it. When you do difficult jobs, you might want to try a different approach to something you did in one layer… and if it’s flattened, you have no more layer.

  2. Thanks for the laugh! It IS sad, but it’s funny too and that’s kind of nice (in a weird sort of way). Eergh, uh, whatever!

  3. OMG I am so sick! I am laughing at this and it is SAD! What is wrong with me? And I have a dog! Why is this funny to me? How can it be funny and sad? HAHAHA! I mean, it’s really sad. Nice job!