I’m back. Actually I’ve been back since Sunday night but I’ve been busy with stuff.
The weekend was fun. Friday night was all about reading and music. I stayed at my parents place and listened to records and read. I finished “Sword in the Stone” and then read a play called “The Elephant Man”, which is about John Merrick who was known as the Elephant Man due to his grotesque deformed appearance, and started “The Witches” by Roald Dahl. I watched about an hour of TV but it was a alternative music show so I classify it as music.
The wedding was amazing. Everyone looked awesome dressed up and the bride was beautiful. They had an Anglican wedding service followed by a reception. The wedding service was nice and about as exciting as services can get. The reception was a good time. It was interesting since it was half karaoke and half DJ mix. I’ve never been to a karaoke wedding before. Really fun. We partied until 1:30 or so. I went home and finished “The Witches”. From what I heard the wedding party went on until 4 in the morning. Sounded like a good time but I was tired when I went home so I probably wouldn’t have lasted.
Sunday I came back to Waterloo and went to a going-away party for someone I work close to at school. He’s a research engineer and he is going back to Europe since he is from France. We will miss him for sure. The party was a dessert party so that is all there was to eat. I didn’t eat much but it all looked really good.
So that was my weekend. I listened to 7 or 8 records, finished one book and read two whole books, went to a wedding, ate some desert and came back up to Waterloo. The schedule for this week is do nothing until Tuesday night and then pack so I can move everything home on Wednesday. Then go up to my cottage for a week on Thursday. Yipee!!!!
rent the Elephant Man movie, xlnt film, does the book justice, great acting
I’ve seen it the movie and I thought Anthony Hopkins was great in it. Plus it’s a David Lynch movie, which never hurts unless you want to understand everything about the movie 🙂