Winter Be Gone!!!

Looking out the window at this very moment all I see is snow. More and more snow. That snow is also mixed with ice pellets and freezing rain. Yipee!!
I was suppose to go to a clients site this morning but as I was getting ready to go I heard on the radio that a big ice storm was on the way to Southwestern Ontario. I checked the weather office website and sure enough all of southwestern Ontario was under a severe weather watch. Thus I rescheduled with the client.
I wish winter and snow would just go away. I’m getting tired of it 🙂

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  1. Hey Troy! That storm is heading my way. It’s supposed to be hitting Moncton tomorrow! Great, just when I thought it was finally getting nice out!

  2. Our whole office shut down yesterday because of the snow. And I *was* going to go skiing at Chicopee last night but didn’t because of the amount of the snow and wind. Crazy!