If you are my age and Canadian you will remember the old Hinterland Who’s Who 30-second shorts on CBC. I seem to recall that they were usually played during the Mr. Dressup/Sesame Street time slots. They were informative shorts that taught people about Canadian wildlife and conservation of their habitats. It seems the CBC is bringing them back which I think is pretty cool. If you want you can check out the audio and video clips of the new shorts as well as check out the old ones at the Hinterland Who’s Who website. The new ones have the familar flute music at the beginning but for some reason they’ve updated it and made it sounds like porn music. Check it out and let me know.
Test test test.
I used to love those shorts. 🙂
I’d give you 100% on passing those tests … I encountered your site via Firda, not Frida’s, site … how delightful to find a Canadian blog with a tasteful maple leaf … you owe it to yourself to visit Glasgow sometime … lots of Mackintosh there. 🙂
SensualPoet, in Toronto