Went out to the movies last night with Firda and Joe (a friend from back home who came up to Waterloo for the day). We decided to go see “Kung-Fu Hustle” which I had heard very little about, other than that it was a comedic send-up of Kung-Fu movies.
It was hillarious. If you find any enjoyment in martial arts movies you should go and see this. It has great action scenes, humourous moments and there is even a plot. The plot isn’t the greatest or most innovative but in most Kung-Fu movies it secondary to the fight scenes, which are fantastic to watch. As expected the fighting has a fantasy element thrown in with it, where the characters do things that aren’t humanly possible, but for me that was the coolest part. It was like watching a superhero Kung-Fu movie.
Go out and see it. It’s was definitely worth the 10 dollars to see it in the theatre. Now I should sit down and watch my copy of Shaolin Soccer, which is from the same director.
Shaolin Soccer was pretty funny! Steven Chow has been around for a while. All of his stuff is fantastic!