PHP Enabled

Thanks to the long hours of work and patience put in by Firda and some help from Wari my site is now PHP enabled. What does that mean? Well for me it means easier management and it tends to make the site look much nicer and customizable.
Some of you may have noticed, earlier in the day, that the site took an inordinate amount of time to load. That problem has been solved and to load times should be back to normal. Comments are also up as well.
Thanks Firda for the many huurs that you worked on this site today and thanks Wari for taking time out of work to help me. 🙂 Enjoy!

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  1. Php enabled eh? Now what are you going to do with all of this new found power?
    Hopefully it doesn’t take you huurs upon huurs of time to do it, whatever it is..

  2. Stupid fingers!!! I like huurs. It looks nice.

  3. Firda

    Isn’t huur Dutch for hour? 😉
    Troy, that might be a sign that you should take up Dutch!