You might be wondering why I’m posting a picture of a car on my blog. I bought a car last week and picked it up on Saturday – his name is SYD (which is short for “Six Years in Debt). It’s a Kia Spectra5, a nice little 5-door hatchback and one of the best things about it is the MP3/CD player. I’ve only got two MP3 CDs at this point but I know that will change soon 🙂
My previous vehicle forced me into buying this new car. I’ve been looking at vehicles for the past couple months but on Monday of last week the heater in my previous vehicle decided to die. Anyone who lives in Canada knows that without a heater you’re going to freeze to death in your car – especially if you have a 45 minute drive to work.
The new car is great. It handles better in the snow, it warms up quickly, it has working AC (though I don’t need it now), the mileage is suppose to be much better (though we will figure that out after a couple of tanks of gas), and I don’t have to worry about it breaking down as much as I did with the old vehicle.
Yipee!! Three cheers for SYD the car!!! Now I just need a raise to pay for it 🙂