The TV Guide Game #3 – March 23, 1990

Round #3. It’s a double play round. Two synopsis, two different shows on the same day! Today’s descriptions both come from from Friday March 23, 1990:
Synopsis 1: “Hanson and Penhall, outgrowing their McQuaid aliases, uncover a girl who kidnapped her baby sister, while Penhall adjusts to his own dad-hood”.
Synopsis 2: “The family scrambles to help find out-of-work Maggie another job after she turns into SuperMom”.
And yes this means you could jump into the lead with two points. Good luck.
Updated: Synopsis #1 was guessed correctly by Lucky7 as being “21 Jump Street” and Synopsis #2 was guessed by Hed as being “Growing Pains”.
Hed is now in the lead with: Hed (2), Lucky7 (1) and k&n (1).

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  1. #1, I have no clue, but #2 is probably “growing pains”?

  2. First one is 21 Jump Street. Too bad they wouldn’t bring it back. Mind you Depp and Deluise and the rest would be too old now.
    No idea on the second.

  3. Growing Pains…….Doh! Should have known that.

  4. Laura

    I’m going to guess #1 is Growing Pains.