Another meme called “Ten on Tuesday” where you are given a topic and you have to come up with ten things about that topic.
Check out the extended entry for it.
Topic: 10 Things You Didn’t Like About School
1. Getting up in the morning.
2. Some of the people at the school (i.e. the bullies, the jocks, the jack-asses – there weren’t many but they were there).
3. Being forced to stand outside in freezing cold temperatures in the middle of winter during recess. (Grade School Only)
4. Being picked last (or close to last) when playing team games.
5. Dancing in gym class. There was a week or two where all we did in gym class was dance. (Grade School Only)
6. Spending whole days at the university for weeks on end. There was a time in my third year where I was at the University from 8 am to 9 pm, everyday for a 3 or 4 week period. Too many projects, too little time.
7. Spending two straight weeks studying and writing exams. The only downtime was to eat and sleep. (University)
8. Having to work on assignments or study while other people were out having fun, specifically housemates who weren’t in my term.
9. Having to go to school during the summer (I was in a co-op program which meant I had two summer terms during my university schooling) and not being able to hang out with my other high school friends who had gone home for the summer.
10. Getting to know my university classmates pretty well in my last term of school and having to leave them soon after that.