Christmas Answers

Here are my answers to the questions I posed on Monday.
1. Are you pro- or anti-Christmas? What about it do you like or dislike?
I’m a fence sitter on this question. I like Christmas because I get to see my whole extended family, all of my friends are in the same place for a couple of days and the food. I don’t like it because of the commericalism and if you want to go out and do some shopping you have to deal with crowds of people. I’ve never really liked being in a crowd and this time of the year is the worse for it.
2. How old were you when you found out that Santa was fictional? What was the experience like?
I don’t really remember. I would have been older than 7. I think I figured it out when I found a cache of presents and they ended up being the stuff I got from Santa. I had to be cool about it though, for my brothers sake.
3. Have you finished your shopping yet? Do you really believe that anyone shops for Christmas before December?
I haven’t even started. I have some ideas. I’m just waiting to get paid on Friday. Then I can go out and blow it all on the family. Plus I think those people who gloat about finishing there shopping early should be strung up and shot.
4. Favorite christmas carol? Why?
I also liked “We Three Kings” because of the chorus “O star of wonder, star of might, star with royal beauty bright, westward leading, still proceeding, guide us to thy perfect light”.
5. Do you get any time off at Christmas and if so what are you doing for your Christmas vacation?
The university closes on December 20th (my birthday) and doesn’t open up until the January 6th so I get 2 weeks off. I’ll probably just go home to my parents place. Maybe stay in Waterloo for a while. I’ll decide that when it happens.

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  1. Firda

    Those people who finish their Christmas shopping before December must dislike being in the crowd a lot more than you 🙂 I don’t like going to any shopping centre in holiday seasons myself because it’s always packed with people and I could hardly breathe, let alone move. Unfortunately, I’m going to have to go to one this week and another next week. Yikes!